Wednesday, September 30, 2015


What department on set interests you? If you had to choose a job in filmmaking, what would it be? Why?

I'm interested on being the Stage Manager. I've wanted to be a director for the longest time now. Its a job that I find many interests in. Some of my favorite directors are Steven Spielberg, Christopher Nolan, Wes Anderson, and JJ Abrams. Their style of filmmaking is great and I want to create my own creative style. A directors job is to get the best performance out of his actors and I believe that I can do that.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Why is the producers role so important in a film? What are some of their responsibilities on the movie crew? Who was the producer on your crew? How well did they do?

The producer can be someone who does almost everything or someone who does almost nothing. He can be the one that hires the director and many others. He mainly focus's on the budget and how the it's spent. On set he makes sure everything is going right. On our film we were both the producers. We both made sure we were on task and had to agree on every decision we made. I'm sure we both can agree that we did a great job.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Mobile Film Post Production

How did your mobile film's post production work out? What were some challenges you encountered? How did/do you plan on overcoming them?

Our post production went very well. We didn't encounter that many problems. We simply stayed on task and were able to have enough time to accomplish our mobile film. We did however face the problem of not having enough space on our mobile device. We unfortunately had to delete some of the other footage on our device.  We did what we had to do to get our job done and it definitely payed off. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Shooting Handheld

What are the three most important tips for shooting handheld video that you learned from this article and video? How can you apply this to your shooting today? Please think out your answer and explain in detail.

You must hold the camera with two hands and stay very still. The further away it is from your body the shakier the footage will be. Also, if you want the footage to look handheld then you should still hold it with two hands. Just add a little shake to give it that handheld look. If you do it too much then you'll end up with bad and unusable footage. You might want to take deep breathes if you're doing a short shot. This information can help me with my mobile film and future videos. Some of our clips include panning shots and they're not that bad.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Post Production: The Hobbit

Review The Hobbit Post-Production walkthrough video below. (No need to watch it all the way through)

The Hobbit had a great team working on the post production process and this video showed to prove it. There was a lot of people working on the C.G.I because this is a very visual film. There are lots of action pieces that can't be done in live action. It required a big team and they all got along great, something that is very important. We were able to see what the studios look like and how they work behind the scenes.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Production Update

What is the status of your mobile film? Have you begun shooting? What is your plan to finish your film by the end of class Friday? What are some problems you are running into?

We've just finished up the post production and we're beginning the production process. Yesterday we finished our storyboards and schedule plans. We have problems getting a location but we're coming up with some ideas.We do plan to edit our mobile film on thursday or/and friday

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Guide to Mobile Filmmaking

What are some of the most important parts of mobile filmmaking? What parts of the storytelling and shooting process are the most critical?

You want to make sure that you're keeping this footage on some other kind of memory. You'll know if you have good sound quality once you hear it. Just simply know that on an iphone your picture quality and sound quality won't be as good as a regular big budget film. You want to make sure that the story you're telling is a simple one. You want to acknowledge your budget and respect it. Don't go off buying something that costs 2/3 of your budget. Know your money and spend it well.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Post Guest Speaker

What are 3 things that you learned from our guest speaker Chris Hennessy's talk on Friday? What are two things you'd like to learn more about?

I enjoyed Chris Hennessy's visit to our classroom very much. He was surprisingly funny. He gave great advice such as how to direct an interview. He told us that our client should answer every question with clear and complete sentences. We should tell them to start over if we feel their sentence is all over the place. Also, we need to loosen them up a little and make them calm. That way they'll answer honestly and confidently. He also mentioned to ask random questions when all our required questions are done.I'd like to learn more about what to do when questions are too personal. How do you bring those up?

Friday, September 18, 2015

Outline Update

How is your outline coming along? What are some of the story challenges you are coming up against? What are your plans to work past them? What is your story's arc?

The outline for our mobile film is coming our great. We have discussed how many people will be in our film. However, we haven't discussed who will be in it or where we'll shoot so that is kind of frustrating. We do plan on finding our location and getting our actors as soon as possible. We've agreed on explaining our twist by letting the story flow a bit more after we see it occur on screen. That way it can sync into their minds a bit more and it'll be easier to understand.

Thursday, September 17, 2015


How effective was your pitch and it's poster? What are some difficulties that you had with it? Was your pitch a complete story? How do you plan to fix it? Does it fulfill all the assignments requirements?

Our pitch was effective and some people found our poster a bit simple. They weren't in love with the poster and neither was I. It was a very simple poster. Almost like a teaser poster. Our pitch did include the entire story. Even though we pitched the entire thing some people gave other ideas on what the story could be. So basically we have an entire different story but it still has a character, no dialogue, and a twist at the end.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


What is grit in your own words? How could it be applied to your future career? What are 2 examples of how you can apply it to your future goals?

Grit is the urgency of wanting to do something and not give up. To absorb knowledge and apply it in your everyday life or keep it locked in your brain. I could find a way to do this on subjects I don't like or might not understand. It will definitely help in the future with jobs or tasks that I must do. If I get a job that I might not be excited about I'll definitely look for that grit. Or if i'm told to learn something for a test in my job. Those would be moments where I'll need grit.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


What are 2 things that you would like to learn more about in the production section of this unit?

What is one thing so far that you have more questions about? Why?

I would like to learn more about the schedules and what the actors do between takes. They just wait around or what? I've also been wondering about what the extras do and who directs them. There is usually a lot of extras when they shoot outside and it must be a bit difficult to work with all those people.

Monday, September 14, 2015



1. What surprised you in the pre-production presentation?

2. What are two questions you still have about preproduction?

3. What is one thing you learned from the presentation? Why is it important?

1. I already knew much about the pre-production stage but I did learn some things I didn't know. It's also very interesting to see all the steps it takes to get to making a film. With all the stages they must go through, they're all hoping their hard work pays off.

2. I'm still very curious about who is making sure everybody is doing their job and that the project keeps moving forward. Also, If someone doesn't do their job, does the studio fire them or is their a specific person who does that?

3. I learned that there must be pre-visualization. Meaning that they must estimate their budget. Budget is very important because you don't want the studio to lose money over your film.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Our Pitch

Our Pitch:

 A P.I. investigates his case by following his witnesses and is haunted by the many mistakes he's made in his past. This is my mobile film pitch. It's enough to get people's attention. It took a while to think of but I finally managed to write it. With the help of my partner I was able to accomplish it. I'm relying on my partner to help me just like he's relying on me.

Thursday, September 10, 2015



   A pitch is the one sentence you use to sell your story. It includes the character and the story. It should make somebody want to watch that  film. It's used in the film business to catch peoples attention. People should know what the film will be about when they hear the pitch. It's basically a hook. I've learned many things about pitches and pre-writing. I know that one must have a pitch before writing the script. Also, that you need to have an idea on the budget for the film before you begin filming. Also, your pre-visualization is very important. The pitch is also known as the log line or elevator pitch. It's a simple summary of the film.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Mobile Filmmaking Platform

Mobile Filmmaking Platform:

I believe you can do anything with mobile filmmaking. The quality won't be as good, but if you make a good film, nobody will be bothered by it. Your mind is the limit. You can do comedy, horror, romance, and even action. However, I would definitely say that comedy and horror/thriller would be the easiest to do. Anybody can be funny and tell jokes on screen. Also, horror/thriller can rely on suspense which is a bit complicated but for a mobile film it doesn't need to be professional.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Mobile Filmmaking


  Mobile filmmaking is when you shoot a video through a mobile device. That could be a phone or a tablet. Even though it doesn't have the best quality it's still usable footage. Some mobile footage is so good that some have won some awards. I am personally very excited about this assignment.

Friday, September 4, 2015


What interested me the most about digital citizenship has to be the copyright section. The more you know about copyright and how that works, the more you avoid the lawsuits. Many people don't know how copyright works and think they can use any footage or song for whatever they want. Now that i've been taught about it I can now be more confident about that.

Thursday, September 3, 2015



Copyright is very important in every industry. You have to make sure nobody steals your idea. If you make a machine that makes money (a product) you have to make sure nobody see's it and makes the exact same machine. Or simply if they're making money off of your product. Its been happening for years and its still a big problem today. I often find links, in youtube comments, to websites that charge you to watch movies, that are still in theaters, in the comfort of your home.            

Wednesday, September 2, 2015



I have many goals in my life. I want to be a film director. Being a director involves many things. Having the knowledge of a particular set of skills. Skills that everybody on set should have. When you're the director you're in charge of getting the best performance out of your actors. But you also have to make sure everybody is doing their job. As a job you have to know a little about everybody's job. I hope to learn a little about every job on set and a lot about how to direct a movie.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Braking Netiquette

Breaking Netiquette:
   I once almost broke netiquette by saying something I should say to people. I almost sent the text but then, last minute, deleted it. I'm sure I did the right thing by deleting the text. I think if I would've sent that text the situation would've gotten worse. If you wouldn't say something to someone in person, then you shouldn't say it online.