Friday, January 15, 2016


What classes did you attend at the Studio Symposium? Which was your favorite? What aspects did you enjoy about the class? What could have improved? What are some of the best things you learned at the conference?

   I attended the amazing class led by, the incredibly talented, Alex Vo. Of course, that was my favorite class. I really enjoyed his story. He had a rough childhood, his family didn't support what he did. However, he still managed to become who he is today. I really like his films and his stories about how they came about. I also attended a class held by Carl Pascua. He works for Google and works on Google Fiber. He talked about how he got his job and what he has learned. I do, in fact, believe that the entire event could've been better if they had stayed on schedule. Over all I learned that it doesn't matter where you come from, you can do whatever you want to do. Also, that you must make connections with successful people to have a good career. You don't want to be with the wrong crowd. Finally, I learned that everyone has a struggle. It can be any kind of struggle. No matter what it is we must always help them out so they can do the same for us.

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